Immersive Theater Plays

A unique and enchanting experience!

Our team of professional actors will captivate you with Immersive & Participatory Theater.

Travel back in time to an evening at Versailles in the 17th and 18th centuries.

You'll discover life at court and the historical anecdotes of the most fascinating figures in the history of Versailles, just as if you were there!

Let history take you away


Our plays are designed to immerse you in the courtly atmosphere of the 17th and 18th centuries.

You'll experience the customs, relationships, intrigues and feelings of the period. To this end, the relationships between the characters in our plays are varied and emotionally charged.

Our Theater Plays in English

Scandals at the court of the Sun King

Mathilde, a young girl who has just gone out of her convent, arrives at Versailles to meet her brother Gregoire. Soon she will discover that the Court is full of stories and anecdotes amusing as well as troubling…

Will she manage to learn how to intricate to avoid paying the price for being a courtesan in Versailles?

Theater Play written & Directed by Marine Montaut


To learn more about Madame de Montespan...

Louis XV & his dangerous relationships...

Between the puritanism and libertinism of the 18th century, our young king Louis XV has numerous romantic adventures. Those love affairs are the playing field of the Marquise de Lancry and her friend the Baron Nivert...

You will enter with them into the king’s intimacy and meet his favorite: la Pompadour.

Theater Paly written & directed by Marine Montaut

To learn more about the King Louis XV

  • Théâtre à la Table - Scandales à la Cour du Roi Soleil - Secret croustillant
    "Surprenant ... !"
  • Théâtre à la Table - Louis XV & ses liaisons dangereuses - L'enjoleur
    "Et vous Marquise, n'éprouvez-vous pas le besoin d'une balade dans un bosquet ?"
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