
Discover our Portefolio of Photographs

Project yourself into one evening with us in the XVIIth century thanks to our gallery of photographs!

Our baroque cabaret is presented to you so that you can foresee yourself in our rooms, thanks to overviews of our salons, to details and costumes. Moreover, some photographs of the dishes elaborated by our Chef are revealed to tempt the taste buds. Finally, an glimse of our theater performances is shown to give you the incentive to comme and meet us.

Le Baise-Main provoque parfois des jalousies
La Marquise et ses Dames de Compagnie
© Michel Vespasien
© Henri Semidei
Paris Match : Dîner de fête
Cabaret Baroque - Dîner gastronomique & Théâtral
Photographies Dîner des Duchesses dans un cadre exceptionnel
Photographies Une soirée unique et sublime grâce au Dîner des Duchesses & ses Vins
Cabaret baroque - Diner des Comtesses - Jeu de Cartes
Théâtre à la Table - Le Nôtre & les Secrets des Jardins - Galanterie
Photographies Théâtre de Salon - Mois Molière - Coup de Bâton
Photographies Théâtre Participatif - Enquête Policière - Qui a tué Eustache de Saint Ambroise ?
Théâtre à la Table - Louis XV & ses liaisons dangereuses - Le Baise Main

Find out more visuals on our Instagram!


Discover the photos of the dishes revealed season by season, look at our costumes from every angle or enjoy the detail of the setting (candles, mirrors, music instruments and carnival masks). 

Dive into our baroque world !

We regulary publish photos of our baroque evenings. The objective is to make you travel before your visit or extend the atmosphere of our salons after your visit. Besides, portraits of our artists or even themed animations will ponctuate your weeks. Therefore, spy on the Baron stealing out of the kitchen some sweats, eavesdrop on a dispute between masters and valets, or attend a music lesson for our Marquise... 


"it's not about painting life, but making painting alive"

P. Cézanne

"Photographing means putting your head, eye and heart on the same line of sight"

H. Cartier Bresson

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