Strolling Entertainment

Strolling Improvisation with comedians

Plunge back into the 18th century, in an improvisational strolling show, thanks to our comedians.

Our team will wander around your guests for a magical, entertaining and offbeat show, where you'll learn all the secrets of the French court. Specialized in theatrical improvisation, you'll be able to interact with our Comtes, Marquises and Valets for an evening.

Historical anecdotes, rhyming sketches and scenes from life at the time of the Kings of France, for an evening out of the ordinary.

© Henri Semidei
Cabaret baroque - Diner des Comtesses - Jeu de Cartes
Théâtre à la Table - Marie Antoinette ou les femmes à la cour - Vengeance
Théâtre à la Table - Louis XV & ses liaisons dangereuses - Jalousie
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